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Second-hand men's bicycles

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A good second-hand men's bicycle

Used bicycles are usually tens of percent cheaper than new ones. However, anyone who buys a second-hand bicycle online or at the station runs the risk that the bicycle will show defects before you even take your first ride. We offer a solution and combine the low price of a second-hand with the security of a new bicycle.


You may wonder how professional parties deliver high-quality bicycles at such low prices. The secret lies first and foremost in the way we obtain our bicycles. A large number of our bicycles are bought from municipalities at rock-bottom prices. After the company has taken over these bicycles, thorough inspections and refurbishments follow. A team of certified bicycle mechanics examines which parts need to be repaired or replaced to make a bicycle roadworthy again. When the bicycle is technically in order again, a new lick of paint follows, after which the second-hand men's bicycle can hardly be distinguished from a brand new one in the bicycle shop.

Different types of bicycles

Second-hand men's bicycles are available online in all shapes and sizes. For example, you can look for a simple black granny bike or city bike. These bikes are great for short distances within the city, for example for your daily ride to school or work. Of course you can also opt for a slightly sportier model. Hybrid or touring bicycles are made for longer distances and usually have multiple gears, hand brakes and a comfortable saddle. It is obvious that these are ideal bicycles for those who like to cycle long distances or for those who are older.

Optional extras

Once you have found a good second-hand men's bicycle, you can of course immediately press the order button. However, you also have the option to have additional accessories mounted on your bicycle. For example, avoid having to look for a new steel horse again next month and have a good lock installed on your bicycle. In addition to bicycle locks, you can also add items such as front carriers, straps and bicycle bells to your order. Our certified bicycle mechanics will install your accessories on your new bicycle for free. This way, after receiving your order, you are ready to hit the road.

The advantages of a second-hand men's bicycle

The main reason for many people to look for a second-hand men's bicycle is the low price. If you purchase a used bicycle, it is often half the price compared to a new one. In addition to the price tag, the environment is also an interesting reason to opt for a second-hand men's bicycle. After all, every bicycle that gets a second life is, in theory, one less bicycle that has to be produced new. In addition, with your purchase you prevent approximately 20 kg of metal and rubber from ending up in the waste mountain.